Note: For privacy reasons, phone numbers and email addresses will only be available to members after logging into the website. Please feel free to contact any of the executives if you have any questions or concerns.
President: Michele Cochrane
1st Vice President: Jocelyn Taylor
2nd Vice President: Rob Searle
Past President: Hyo-Min Lee
Draw Chair: Billy Woods Jr.
Secretary: Cathy Philpott
Draw Chairs
Fixed League: Bill Woods Sr. and Don Chassé
Wednesday Ladies: Michele Cochrane and Helen Parsons
Thursday Men’s: Dale Belke and Rob Searle
Friday Night Mixed: Helen and Tim Parsons
Open Doubles: Rob Searle
Learn To Curl: Brent Denison
Youth Coordinator (Little Rocks and Bantams/Juniors): Hyo-Min Lee
Committee Chairs
Daytime Representative: Lorraine Wilson
OCA Representative: Billy Woods Jr.
OVCA & Branch Representative: Bill Woods Sr.
LCA Representative: Kim Woods
Kitchen: Nanette Fliesser and Arlynn McPhee
Entertainment: Martha Robertson
Decorating: Martha Robertson
Banquet: Alison Kelly-Quesnel
Volunteers: Arlynn McPhee
Ways and Means: Rod Millar
Ice Chair: Billy Woods Jr.
Building and Property: Darrell Dooley
Spring Golf: Kevin DeBoer
Membership Committee: Allen Crawford
Club Historian & Librarian: Bill Woods Sr.
Club Auditor: Dianne Scharf
Fundraising: Bill Woods Sr.
Newsletter / Social Media / Communications: Kevin DeBoer
100th Anniversary: Bill Woods Sr.